Piano Hinge Book
CoursePiano Hinge Book Tutorial. Learn how to make this no sew, paper woven book structure
Origami Club
CourseJoin our Origami Club. 12 unique origami tutorials you can make at home in 30 minutes.
Drum Leaf Book
CourseThe Drum Leaf is an no sew, adhesive book that also allows pages to open flat. It is structured so there is no stitching through the centre folds so it works well for full-page spreads.
Bradel Binding Book
CourseA Bradel binding (also called a bonnet or bristol board binding) is a style of book binding with a hollow back. It is made with three sections to the book cover and helps the book to open flat.
Bat Book
CourseLet’s create this Bat Book using the Flag book accordion structure
Treat Book
CourseMake this spooky treat book. Use one for tricks and one for treats! Perfect for a mini gift for the kids.